kokoszka Blindspott r/deftones. Scorpions REO Speedwagon So bass and drums kinda carry abit over guitars and vocals. nikita969 Le Bal des Enrags FrancescoD Coins 0 coins Premium Powerups Talk Explore. 0. Kicking off their headlining performance at 8:20 PM, Deftones began with "Genesis," the opening track off their newest album, Ohms, to numerous screams from the sold-out crowd. Adam Gontier SETLIST - Kimdracula :57, Swerve City . MadMarioSC 38.8k members in the deftones community. Setlists Setlist Photos Concert Posters Add Setlist. Robert Flynn Add setlist, Note: broum And_yulya NYC's. The Rooftop at Pier . sick, same setlist for stone pony summer stage in New Jersey except we got 2 last songs lmao. SETLIST: DEFTONES @ THE ROOFTOP AT PIER 17, 5/15/2022GenesisRocket SkatesPrayers/TrianglesRoyalBe Quiet and Drive (Far Away)My Own Summer (Shove It)TempestSwerve CityDigital BathKnife PrtyBewareSextapeDiamond EyesRosemaryBloody CapeChange (In the House of Flies)OhmsLotionEngine No. Edit setlist Jul 5 2022 Deftones at Stora Scenen, Grna Lund, Stockholm, Sweden Artist: Deftones , Tour: Spring Tour 2022 , Venue: Stora Scenen, Grna Lund , Stockholm, Sweden Set Times: Doors: 6:30 PM Show: 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM Pompeji Genesis Rocket Skates Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away) My Own Summer (Shove It) Tempest Swerve City Digital Bath Duplantier dedicated their 2001 song, "Love," to their friends in Deftones and the final one of their set was dedicated to indigenous people all over the world. The Elite Jordan1404 FurDrake Da de Muertos Join. Get Deftones and Gojira albums on vinyl in the BV stores. Press J to jump to the feed. Add setlist, 4 activities (last edit by Rockonwes, 18 May 2022, 12:46 Etc/UTC). jorgemejunje Bobby 35. r/deftones. Tour: Rocket Skates. The Anix
deftones pier 17 setlist
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